YouConvertIt: Online file conversion tool for you
YouConvertIt is a web application that can convert convert your document, video or audio files into another file format, e.g. from DOC to PDF, WMV to MP3 etc. You can use the service without signup an account. Simply upload a file, YouConvertIt will give you a list of possible conversions. Select a desire file format, then YouConvertIt will convert the file and send you a download link to the converted file via email.
YouConvertIt allows you to download YouTube, MetaCafe and Google Video without installing any browser plugins or desktop application too. Simply specify the URL and click download it, You can download the video as FLV file. The only inconvenient part is, the downloaded file has no file extension, You have to put back the ".FLV" myself.
Another option is to convert the online video to a specified file format before download. For example, you can specify to convert the YouTube video to WMV. YouConvertIt will convert the Flash Video to WMV then send you an email containing a link to download the end result.
I tried YouConvertIt a couple of times. It is pretty good except I have to wait for a long time to receive the emails containing the download links. So, don't use it when you are in urgent.